fact : Sports Oxygen
the muscles need oxygen to function
lack of oxygen, lactic acid is formed
lack of oxygen in the muscle = decreased performance
absorption of oxygen from the lungs is not enough
absorption of oxygen is 6-10x faster in the gastrointestinal tract than through the lungs
Water, Oxygen and Magic = OxyWat
World Unique Oxygen Water containing 2000mg medically-pure sports oxygen
Sports Oxygen = OxyWat
Blood doping is the practice of boosting the number of red blood cells. More red blood cells in the bloodstream in order to appreciate the athletic performance. Because such blood cells carry oxygen to the muscles, a higher concentration in the blood can improve an athlete’s aerobic capacity (VO2 max) and endurance. (Wikipedia)
What is the difference between a gold and a silver medal? The enhancement of the performance by just 0.5% is what could keep an elite athlete away from glory
Why use the 3 Gold Olympic medal Winner the OxyWat ? and How did he use ? How did he use the Legal Blood Doping?
Boost your Athletic Performance with Oxywat Sports Oxygen
The increased oxygen intake may improve physical loadability by 10-15%.
sports where O2 blood doping is used
You will be more energetic, faster, less tired, your body will regenerate faster under load. Many athletes use oxygen therapy during training and competition, as legal doping (WADA). Use and Win a Gold …
His previous experiments with athletes have shown that the consumption of oxygen-enriched mineral water increased performance and capability. The accumulation of free radicals harmful to health was not detected. Indicators are even better when higher oxygen content and cleaner water is consumed! (Dr. Jeno Malomsoki Candidate of Biological Sciences)
Blood Doping with OxyWat