
What do doctors say about OxyWat The effect of oxygen on the human body: A conversation with Professor Jozsef Toth Hypoxia and Cancer: The relationship between tumours and a lack of oxygen has been examined for over 50 years. In 2004 a congress was organized in the US to develop a method to measure the […]

What do doctors say about OxyWat

The effect of oxygen on the human body:
A conversation with Professor Jozsef Toth

Hypoxia and Cancer:
The relationship between tumours and a lack of oxygen has been examined for over 50 years. In 2004 a congress was organized in the US to develop a method to measure the body’s oxygenation. It was found that the formation of tumours can 70% be connected to hypoxic areas (areas with a lack of oxygen). Hypoxia (oxygen deficiency) creates a protein complex induced factor which forms tumours in part, and partly plays a role in how aggressive tumours are by enhancing the formation of metastasis and the velocity of their spread. Recent studies have tried to inhibit this hypoxia-induced factor using local oxygenation.

Tumour cells create a so-called angio genesis factor that re-launches the vascularization between the body and the tumour, thus creating a flow passage which feeds the tumour. One of the directions of research has attempted to inhibit this vascularization (anti-angio genesis factor), but unfortunately it has only had temporary success. Recent professional reports indicate that this research is a dead end. Another study found that during the proliferation of tumour cells the new cells try to adapt increasingly to a hypoxic state (e.g. carcinoma, or scar tissue in the lungs where there is no blood supply, but tumour cells are developing). 10-15% of chemotherapeutic treatments fail since radiation resistance develops in case of hypoxic cells.

German clinics have carried out radiotherapy with 50-60% oxygen inhalation or in a hyperbaric chamber. Several US institutions are experimenting with this supplemental therapy on an experimental basis. Studies show that oxygenation eliminates resistance to radiation. On the basis of the unanimous opinion of 12 Institutes of Oncology, oxygenated tumours can be treated with 70% less radiation (30% of the original dose is sufficient).

Cardiovascular diseases:
Most heart failures occur because of poor oxygenation ranging from arrhythmia to aortectasia.

Lung diseases:
The majority of lung diseases can be cured with oxygenation: think of the TB that has was cured at high altitude sanatoriums 100 years ago where the air was rich in oxygen. Today, the problem is solved with medical oxygen bottles using 5-10 daily inhalations. Surprisingly, more and more feedback indicates that regression may occur with certain types of lung cancer (recidivation) as a result of oxygen-rich inhalation.

Central nervous system:
The central nervous system is a top priority in all respects as the brain gets the last drops of water, sugar and oxygen. Accordingly, it can be stated that mental clarity can be facilitated through the introduction of extra oxygen. There are many ways of increasing oxygen intake, starting with the consumption of oxygenated water, through an oxygen cone, or the direct oxygenation of the blood (blood which is drawn from the body is oxygenated and then returned) (e.g. Tour de France cyclists) – methods include bathing in oxygenated water.
One of the best methods is consumption of oxygenated water since the absorption of oxygen occurs 6-10 times faster in the gastrointestinal tract than through the lungs.
It is important to know that the body can only utilize so-called structured water, therefore unstructured water must be structured first. If you drink structured, oxygenated water then this is the best thing you can give your body.

The Oxygen absorbing states of water:
– 14-15mg/litre oxygen content by default at 0 degrees Celsius
– at 30 degrees Celsius only 7-8mg/litre oxygen content
– rain water – spring water: 12-15mg/litre oxygen content
– tap water: 3-4 mg/litre oxygen content
– soft drinks, fruit juice, coffee, tea: Omg/litre oxygen content

Possible reactions :
Many people talk about hyper oxygenation occurring due to the excessive intake of oxygen which could cause a slight rise in red blood cell count, but I have not yet met such a case in my 50-year career: in theory it is possible, but in practice this risk need not be taken into consideration.

The future of OxyWat products :
In my honest opinion, classical allopathic medicine will increase the number of oxygenation treatments it uses in the next 20 years. Oxygen is all around us, is cheap to produce and can be used in the case of most diseases (either to support classic treatments, to strengthen them, or as a supplementary add-on treatment). The method of oxygen intake to be used remains a big question, but the use of oxygen therapy will be essential for patients with nervous system impairment, or with endocrine, tumorous or circulatory diseases.

Who should consume OxyWat ?
– individuals with cancer (prevention, reduce the side effects of radiotherapy. Radiotherapy treatments in Germany have been done in oxygen tents to avoid the side effects such as vomiting and nausea
– individuals with liver disease
– individuals with migraine or headache
– athletes, due to their increased oxygen demands and in order to reduce the formation of lactic acid
– people who do intense physical work
– white-collar workers (it stimulates the oxygen level of the blood, improves brain power)
– those who want to lose weight (it helps break down fat)
– residents of large cities (to compensate for the effects of smog)
– individuals with heart and vascular diseases. (due to improved cardiac oxygen saturation)
– those with COPD, respiratory diseases
– patients who have undergone cardiac and cerebral infarction
– those who eat processed foods and drink soft drinks (microwave food, fast-food diets)
– for pregnant, nursing mothers, or for women who plan to become pregnant
– for anyone whose pH level is below 7 (to prevent the onset of disease).

Professor Dr. Jozsef Toth
Former Director of the Tumour Pathology Centre of The National Institute of Oncology. Since 1955 Professor Dr. Jozsef Toth was an experimental tumour researcher and pathology demonstrator with an Eleanor Roosevelt fellowship in Chicago. He was a frontrunner in Hungarian breast cancer research and a world-renowned breast cancer researcher. Dr Toth is now retired, but still works at his former job. Following his wife’s death from breast cancer, he has been driven to combat this disease.

What do doctors say about OxyWat
What do doctors say about OxyWat

 Dr. Ferenc Balla, Candidate of chemical sciences

Dr. Ferenc Balla’s research has shown that the speed of molecular oxygen absorption by the stomach and the mucous membranes from oxygen-enriched water is tenfold compared to the amount absorbed by breathing. The beneficial effects of oxygenated water include the rapid elimination of a chronic lack of oxygen from the blood and internal organs. The restoration of the 96-98% saturation level needed for the elimination of the oxygen debt takes place within minutes of blood circulation with intense respiration and the consumption of a 2.5 dl oxygen enriched drink

Dr. Jeno Malomsoki Candidate of Biological Sciences

Dr. Jeno Malomsoki’s has researched the treatment of excess weight with oxygenated water. A clear connection was established between a decrease in body fat and the oxygen therapy. His previous experiments with athletes have shown that the consumption of oxygen-enriched mineral water increased performance and capability, and the accumulation of free radicals harmful to health was not detected. The indicators are even better when higher oxygen content, cleaner water is consumed.

 Dr. Karoly Bretz, doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Industrial Property Law Specialist
Semmelweis University, Budapest, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences (2007)
Beneficial effects were observed as regards psycho-physiological parameters (oxygen saturation, reaction time, effort, stress average).

Prof. Dr. Jozsef Pucsok, Candidate of medical sciences

Oxygen absorbed through the stomach and intestinal mucosa exerts positive effects on the tissues and the liver after reaching them through the bloodstream. Changes in enzymatic activities, the replenishment of oxygen stores and an acceleration in lactic acid elimination may be expected. Polarographic studies show that the free oxygen content of the liver is increased by 8% in case of inhalation, while enteric (transferred directly into the stomach) oxygen supply increases free oxygen content by 43%.

 Cardiology test results with the OxyWat oxygenated water:

In the summer of 2011 a 10-person diagnostic test series was performed, designed to examine the effects of the consumption of OxyWat oxygenated water product on the oxygen saturation of the heart.
Location: Budapest
Doctors performing the examination: Dr. Borisz Bikov and chief medical officer, Dr. Csaba Kovacs
Tool used: HeartVue System :
3 testing phases: resting, treadmill testing, 15 minutes after consuming OxyWat
Results: Compared to the resting state, after the consumption of OxyWat increased oxygen content was measured in the heart muscle and after the treadmill there was a decrease in hypoxia

What do doctors say about OxyWat

Dr. Csaba Kovacs chief medical officer (atherosclerosis researcher and manager) provides a non-medical explanation for the balance in the human body  of water and oxygen:

The biggest problem for modern day man is the lack of physical exercise. Consequently, this is why the majority of modern diseases develop. The majority of people today sit or lie (sleep) 90% of the time during a 24 hour day. There is no physical work, so there is no normal oxygen intake. People today do not breathe correctly, so there is no complete cellular combustion. In the absence of oxygen, cells are not able to burn the nutrients taken in.
The human body is 75% water. The water content of the body varies according to age. In the case of new-borns, water content is 80-82%, but in old age it declines to 55-60%. We cannot live without water. Elderly people who deliberately maintain their water balance are much less prone to diseases. Many people ask what the reason for this is.
The answer is easy to provide:
The water content of human organs:
– brain: 80% /
– blood: 86% /
– heart: 77% /
– liver: 84% /
– muscles: 70%.
In addition, digestion uses a lot of water, too:
– saliva 1.5 litres / day
– gastric juice: 2-3 litres / day
– Liver bile production: 1 litre / day
– pancreas: 1-1.5 litres / day

Some 50 trillion cells are at work in the human body. All of these cells are small power plants that burn up nutrients and produce energy. The energy produced is transported to the relevant organs by the vascular system. However, combustion also produces waste materials that must be cleaned up. This function is also carried out by the veins. Without healthy capillaries we die. Due to the lack of water in the body, blood thickens and obstructs the arteries and restenosis occurs, leading to thrombosis. But this is only one of the many other problems that result. A dehydrated body is unable to dispose of the waste products accumulated in the stomach, liver and kidneys so they are deposited in the body, thereby further poisoning it.

Diseases mainly resulting from a lack of water:
Headaches: The brain is 80% water. This is one of the most sensitive organs. Pain indicates that there is not enough water for its correct operation. Thickened blood pushes at the cell walls since the heart needs to work harder due to the need for stronger pumping. This leads to increased blood pressure and heart rate.
Cholesterol levels rise: Cells respond to dehydration by plugging cell walls with cholesterol crystals to prevent water from seeping out. Studies have shown that the cholesterol level of desert organisms is higher than those living in other areas. Cholesterol levels can be decreased rapidly by consciously drinking more water.
Asthma: the human body evaporates 0.5-1 litres of water per day through exhalation. As soon as a water shortage occurs, the lung bronchioles constrict. This leads to reduced oxygen uptake and carbon dioxide release. Not all types of asthma are curable with water consumption, but this reduces the use of bronchodilators in almost all cases.
High blood pressure: The vascular system is responsible for providing oxygen and nutrients to the cells. If the cells do not receive the proper substances, a signal is sent to the brain. Consequently, the arteries are stretched, their diameter decreases and pressure increases. This increased pressure means that nutrients and oxygen are extruded through the cell walls. In my experience (and according to several Scandinavian researchers) as a result of hypotensive medication the cells cannot work properly, will not get the nutrients they need, and waste products will not be properly excreted from them.

The breathing process can be divided into three parts:
– External respiration: gas exchange in bronchia (Oxygen in – carbon dioxide out). If the lung surface is damaged, the amount of bronchi are reduced and the gaseous exchange of the cells is proportionately reduced. As a doctor, the most difficult moments of my life occur with lung injured patients when I know that I need to administer oxygen because of an oxygen deficiency, but precisely because of the damaged lung it is almost impossible to do this.
– Internal respiration: blood, tissues, gas exchange between cells. If the blood vessels cannot deliver oxygen-rich blood to the cells, severe damage can occur to the areas not properly served. Unfortunately, diabetes also destroys the blood vessels. This is insidious because it is painless, but can cause great damage. As a result of dead capillaries cells do not receive oxygen and are consequently destroyed. As a result, the destroyed areas need to be amputated.
– Cellular respiration: a precondition for cellular functioning (combustion) is the inhalation of oxygen, since in the absence of oxygen combustion is inadequate and excess waste products accumulate. Anyone who has a fireplace or furnace will know that by opening the door (i.e. increasing delivery of oxygen) better burning will occur; however if you limit the oxygen from getting in, the fire will die down and ultimately go out. This very same process takes place with cells. If there is no oxygen, only waste products are produced instead of energy. This process leads to acidification.

The main reason for acidification is a cellular oxygen deficit

First signs of acidification:
– chronic fatigue
– weakened immune system
– gastrointestinal disorders
– depression
– osteoporosis
– atherosclerosis
– formation of tumours

Oxygen absorption from the stomach
Unfortunately, many people (including many doctors), even today, are sceptical about this claim. But experience, research and knowledge of the medical absorption processes proves the fact that gas absorption occurs through the stomach. It is well-known that if fizzy alcoholic drinks are consumed, alcohol enters the bloodstream faster. This is due to the effect of carbon dioxide expanding the stomach and thereby opening up the capillary network. The increased surface area speeds up absorption. The best evidence for gastric respiration is cyanide poisoning. Cyan exerts a toxic effects in a gaseous state. When exposed to moisture, gas is generated and the gas blocks an oxygen-carrying enzyme in the body, causing suffocation. If there were no gas uptake in the stomach, then cyanide would not be toxic.

Liver and Oxygen
The most important task of the liver is to chemically disarm toxic waste produced during metabolic processes. The hepatic vein carries blood saturated with nutrients from the intestinal tract, while the hepatic artery supplies oxygenated blood. Oxygen is needed for secretion. Think of how much easier liver functioning will be if the blood that comes from the intestinal tract is already saturated with oxygen. This will make the functioning of the liver much more efficient. The oxygen concentration of the liver is normally 8%. Research during the past 50 years has shown that the consumption of highly-oxygenated water can increase this to 43%.
The main functions of the liver:
– bile production – production of amino acids, uric acid, and acetone bodies
– transformation of haemoglobin to bilirubin – degradation of fatty acids, amino acids
– degradation of bilirubin – urea formation
– bile acid production – formation of Vitamin A from carotene
– Formation of plasma-protein -central role in blood formation
– carbohydrate metabolism – storage function
– storage of carbohydrates – detoxification

By consuming oxygenated water we literally give fresh breath to our liver, making it easier for it to carry out its functions more effectively.

Physiological effects experienced during the consumption of OxyWat product. (from Non-clinical test, but based on the feedback, studies from nearly 1,500 consumers):
– during the first few days the amount of urine increases (detoxification process)
– frequent defecation (positive metabolic effect)
– Increased ability for physical performance
– Faster reduction, decrease in lactic acid levels after sports activities or strenuous work,  or no lactic acid at all
– Significant improvement in chronic bronchitis and upper respiratory allergies
– Acid stores may be emptied
– Reduction in joint pain
– Memory improvement
– Decrease in gouty pains, possible cessation
– Vision improvement
– Better quality of sleep
– Decrease in headaches, migraines or complete cessation
– Reduced stress due to alkalinisation
– Termination of chronic fatigue, effective substitute for coffee
– Improvement of blood pressure (in most cases after 3-4 weeks it was necessary to drastically reduce prescribed drugs)
– Reduction in symptoms of angina (angina, decrease in the frequency of arrhythmia)
– More elastic, firmer skin (improvement of collagen synthesis)
– Termination of chronic digestive disorders (bloating, constipation)
– Termination of candidiasis (intestinal oxygen kills fungi)
– Significant easing or cessation of side effects of chemotherapy
– Decrease in glucose the in case of Type II diabetes patients
– Spectacular acceleration of the healing of leg ulcers
– Less varicose complaints
– Fatigue reduction
– Stomach pain cessation
– Chronic reflux cessation
– Feelings of coldness in hands and feet resolved
– Reduced allergies, decreases in hair loss
– Improvements in vision
– Improved state of respiratory disorders – Asthmatic symptoms decrease
– Reduction in period pain, etc.

 Dr. Sandor Deak Internist medical officer

Oxygen may be introduced into the body in 3 ways.
– By inhalation, through skin and through the stomach. Physical work is unknown to the majority of people. Sitting in the office or relaxing at home, they ‘forget’ to breathe. They only use 50% of the capacity of their lungs. This is not enough to provide the optimum oxygen level for the body.
– Special oxygenated waters can help through the skin, but these facilities are limited and are usually expensive. (e.g. those provided at premier sports clubs)
– A third option is the intake of oxygen-enriched water, which is absorbed through the stomach. Based on the studies of the past 50 years, oxygen is absorbed 10 times faster through the oral mucosa, gullet mucosa, gastric mucosa and intestinal mucosa than through the lungs.
Consequently, ulcers, acid lesions and acid burns heal extremely rapidly in the intestine as a result of the use of oxygenated water.
To achieve this therapeutic effect at least 40mg/l oxygen is needed.
The oxygen storage capacity of water is 8-12 mg/litre. The oxygen content of oxygen-enriched bottled water is 50-200 mg/litre. 10% of this content evaporates immediately after opening a bottle. The oxygen content in an opened bottle is reduced by 50% every minute until it falls to 8-10 mg/l. In other words, 1 unit of a 0.5 litre oxygenated water contains 100 mg/l oxygen. 10mg of it is lost immediately after opening. If you do not drink it all at once, after the first minute it only contains 45 mg of oxygen, after the second minute only 25 mg, while after the third minute it reaches proper atmospheric content of 8-10 mg.
Thanks to a recent invention it is now possible to intake 2000 mg/L of oxygen. The OxyWat system is closed and is designed for domestic use. The level of oxygen does not decrease, not even in the last 1deciliter of liquid. Correspondingly, 2000 mg of oxygen is found in all types of bottles (i.e. 200mg in 0.1 litre)

 The proof of the pudding is in the eating, the test of the oxygenated water is in the drinking.

Scientific studies have concluded that oxygen intake through the gastrointestinal tract is more intense and effective than oxygen intake through inhalation of air. Enteric oxygen therapy – on the basis of experience –not only results in oxygen reaching muscle cells, but stimulates other regeneration processes as well.

Today, thousands of people are consuming oxygenated water. Positive empirical findings and physiological effects have been recorded on the basis of consumer feedback.
All this is due to improvements in micro-circulation and reductions in acidification.

Overall, we can state that the beneficial effects of oxygenated water on the body have not only been proven by scientific studies but also by experience.

The above-mentioned positive responses are based on the personal experiences and opinions of people who consume oxygenated water.

There are more than 20,000 people who are consuming OxyWat oxygenated water on a daily basis– come and join the team and improve your health!

What do doctors say about OxyWat ?

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