Headache : lack of oxygen or water
Headache occurs in 60% of the cases as a result of the lack of oxygen or water. 80% of the brain is water. This is one of our most sensitive organs. Pain indicates that there is not enough oxygen or water to operate. The thickened blood pushes the cell wall, so the heart is working harder as a result of more difficult pumping. This results in increased blood pressure and heart rate which causes the dilated, pulsing veins to push the brain. . In summary : Headache (Dr. Csaba Kovacs chief medical officer (atherosclerosis researcher and manager) provides a non-medical explanation for the balance of the human body and the water and oxygen)
Headache : lack of oxygen or water. Reduce with OxyWat

OxyWat is not an average oxygenated water. Commercially available products, at best, contain only 150-200mg of dissolved oxygen, while Oxywat is produced with 2000 mg medically pure oxygen. It is a unique, highly efficient product. It does not contain any artificial additives. It only contains ingredients that you would also put in it.
One of the best methods is the consumption of oxygenated water, since the absorption of oxygen is 6-10x faster in the gastrointestinal tract than through the lungs
Oxygen, Water and … Magic

What do you feel when consuming OxyWat?
- Pleasant, silky taste
- The wonderful taste of the premium, natural raw material
- Your body filling up with 2000mg of medically pure oxygen
What do you feel after the consumption of the Oxywat? (15-20 min)
- The cleansing of the blood in the veins, as the body is slowly filled up
- Significantly reduced or completely eliminated headache
- Significantly reduced or completely eliminated physical malaise
- Your mind is cleared
100% Guarantee – 0% risk
We believe and know that oxygen is the right choice in our fast-paced world full of toxins.
If you feel that this assistance is not right for you, we will refund you the price of the product.
With conscious water drinking and oxygen intake, the Migraine, Cluster Headache can be reduced or completely eliminated within 15-20 minutes.
Recommended use in case of headache:
- immediate consumption of 2-5dl OxyWat
- further consumption of 2-3dl in cycles of 5 minutes
Recommended use:
- 2dl consumption in the morning after waking up in case of an empty stomach
- Consumption of 3 x 2 dl in 4 hour intervals
- Consumption of 2 dl right before going to bed
The consumption of Oxywat in not a substitute for the consumption of liquids for the (human) organization. The optimal daily intake of liquids is 1 litre for every 20 kg of body weight. (e.g.: 80kg / 4 litres / day)
Headache : lack of oxygen or water. Reduce with OxyWat